Friday, 07 Mar, 2025


17 foods that make you radiant

The festive season is over and so should be the over-indulging in sweets, fried food and snacks. This is the perfect time to recharge your body and detoxify it. Here are a few superfoods that can help... Eggs With their rich protein, vitamin and mineral content, eggs contribute

7 Beauty Benefits of Neem

The humble neem is often ignored by urban folks in favour of more synthetic ingredients, but it has been used in Ayurveda for over 4,000 years. Neem leaves are easy to obtain and can be used as a beauty aid in many simple ways. We tell you why it should be on your beauty list. 

New ecommerce site - Furniture Bangladesh

DHAKA: Furniture Bangladesh makes exclusive furniture with the designs ranging from contemporary to classic for a stylish interior. Skilled craftsmen make the furniture, specially designed for private homes and apartments, hotels, guestrooms, office and public areas. All about the

Exclusive Ramadan content on mobile Browser 

UC Browser, a product of Alibaba Mobile Business Group, has introduced exclusive offers for Bangladeshi users in the auspicious month of Ramadan. Now Islamic themes, authentic Arabic and Bengali translations of Qur’an and Hadeeth, videos that can be enjoyed with family, clips of movies

5 ways to be happy

Delve deep within and do these five things to be happy in life 1) Don't sweat over small stuff Most people keep too many things on their platter and worry about too many things. The trick of a happy life lies in giving a miss to small stuff. Don't brood over negative emotions

Food hacks to keep your bounty fresher, longer

In our country, we waste a huge amount of fruits and vegetables due to improper storage techniques and lack of knowledge on how to store them properly. Keep in mind these guidelines are merely an indication designed to get the most value from the food that you buy rather than extending

Most annoying bedroom habits

Have you ever imagined that habits you often ignore as trivial can be really bothersome for your partner Not only they are annoying but can also take the fizz out of your bedroom life. So, here's a low down on some of the most common yet vexing bedroom habits that you must get away

10 Surprising Reasons Men Initiate Divorce

As you'd expect, "She cheated!" is one big reason guys take the speed ramp to Splitsville. But every year, faithful women get blindsided by divorce papers. What gives? We asked relationship experts about the other grievances once-happy husbands cite for divorcing-their unexpected

Sofia Vergara Spills Her Best Beauty Secrets

Here, she reveals what it takes to look incredible all the time (hint: she works at it every day), the beauty product she’s been wearing since she was 12, and her biggest red-carpet regrets. “Being a bombshell is really about a state of mind,” she says. “If you believe you’re

Enjoy Christmas with a 5 day Pre-Cleanse program

Christmas celebrations are already in the air with New Year not far away. Indeed, everyone is looking for a way to indulge in scrumptious plum cakes, sinful chocolates and delicious savouries, keeping fitness intact. Well, enjoy yourself this New Year by including a 5-day pre-Christmas

Common ailments that bother men after 30

So you felt invincible through your college days? Aced a beer chugging competition, stayed up nights chatting on the phone, watching television, partying with friends, and could still breeze through the day with only four hours of sleep? Well, life isn't the same once you cross 30.

Best tips to prevent hair fall

Do you get depressed after seeing huge amounts of hair blocking your drain after a shower or seeing loads of hair on your hairbrush? Seeing this is a very depressing sight. Hair fall or hair loss is a common problem most of us face Dr. Sandeep Suttar - Hair Restoration and Skin

Tips to get over your first love

There are many times where you have to stop dwelling over the past and start moving on. Going back to the old memories will only hurt you and this way you won't be able to forget him/her. Try not to think about your past and erase both the good as well as the bad memories. Give

Causes For Change In The Metabolic Rate

Changes in the metabolic rate can have different causes. Here you'll find an overview with causes and tipps how to maintain a fast metabolic rate. Exercise, Stress and Lack of Sleep can Affect your Metabolism Metabolism refers to the rate at which your body utilizes calories to

What Causes High Cholesterol?

High cholesterol is a threat to many people of all ages around the world, and in the U.S. especially. More people die from cardiovascular disease every year than from any other cause, so it's essential that you do what you can to avoid heart problems. Keeping high cholesterol away is

Home remedies for backache

Backache is the most common problem and here are few home remedies to cure it Stressful life, traveling, workouts or aging — all these lead to one most common health problem i.e. backache. It is one health issue which makes us restless and if not taken care of results in making our

Use honey everyday for glowing skin

Raw honey can be used, not just in our breakfast cereal or dessert, but also get glowing and younger looking skin. Abundant in antioxidants, honey is known to have antibacterial properties too. Here's how you can use honey for your skin every day. -If you have an acne breakout,

5 Tips for Giving Pocket Money to Kids

For children, financial literacy begins at home. The first step is doling out pocket money, which not only gives them financial independence, but also offers parents the chance to educate them about the value of money. Ashna Ambre lists the things you should keep in mind before you use

Nordic diet lowers cholesterol level

A healthy Nordic diet lowers cholesterol levels, which thereby cuts the risk of cardiovascular disease, a new study has found. There was also decreased inflammation associated with pre-diabetes. “The subjects who ate a Nordic diet had lower levels of harmful LDL cholesterol and

Light & fresh: Body mists

If you're among those who love light, subtly scented skin, body mist is your go-to product. Body mists are light, airy and have a fresh appeal about them. Most mists contain a low concentration of essential oils or are not concentrated at all and have a higher percentage of alcohol

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