Friday, 07 Mar, 2025


What to do with your used books

If your bookshelf has more than a year`s worth of dust accumulated on the top, it may be time to consider giving up part of your collection. Saying goodbye to some of the classics may be too difficult but if you`ve got a series of books that you`re looking to recycle, consider one of the

Take him from buddy to boyfriend

Get him to see you as more than a friend by making these super-easy behavioral changes. He`ll be calling you his boo in no time.Chances are, the reasons you`re in the friend zone have very little to do with whether you look like Kate Upton. It`s the little things that kill your chances of

Exercise during happy hour!

Those early-morning hours are used for precious sleep, while the time after work is used for essential schmoozing. Happy hour and boozy dinners have become key in the business world to stay one step ahead in competitive markets. With this process such an integral element of future

Small Bite: Big Threat: Chikungunya

Chikungunya is a viral disease transmitted to humans by infected mosquitoes. It causes fever and severe joint pain. Other symptoms include muscle pain, headache, nausea, fatigue and rash.The disease shares some clinical signs with dengue, and can be misdiagnosed in areas where dengue is

Simple tape measure better calculator of obesity than BMI

Experts have revealed that a simple tape measure can help you calculate obesity better than the lengthy and often confusing current body mass index (BMI).Dr Jude Oben, from the Obesity Action Campaign, told Sky News that measuring waist size was a more accurate assessment of someone’s

Kids And Healthy Hearts

If good health is the most important thing you want for your child, you are on the right track. As parents, that’s what most of us want for our children – a safe, healthy, nourishing environment. However, the going gets tough when you try to get them on board with healthy living. Now

Weekly Beauty Tip

DHAKA: This week’s beauty tip is on ‘Spring Braid’. Take your makeup box and try…Spring BraidHow It’s Different: This look is more about textured twists than the traditional braiding technique!Who’s It’s Best For: Since it`s basically a bunch of small twists, this style

Why do we make students sit still in class?

As a graduate student, I had the opportunity to observe a number of idyllic, progressive classrooms where students danced to the pencil sharpener or sprawled across beanbag chairs while completing their work. I read countless books and articles about research that supports physical

Sleeping pills up death risk

A new study has found that anti-anxiety drugs and sleeping pills could increase risk of death.The study from the University of Warwick shows that several anxiolytic (anti-anxiety) drugs or hypnotic drugs (sleeping pills) are associated with a doubling in the risk of mortality.Although

10 things NOT to do at a wedding

Emotions are high, families are thrown together, and everyone must conform to a tight schedule, not to mention the shenanigans that ensue when there`s an open bar involved.Don`t deviate from a schedule"It`s not a very sexy idea, but planning can really impact your day and the happiness of

Top 10 Longevity Herbs & Spices

In over twenty years of studying centenarians and examining anti-aging documents, I discovered the ten most powerful herbs and spices you can use in your cooking to boost the health of all your bodily systems and live a long, vibrant life!In my recent Secrets of Longevity Cookbook, I

8 aging hair-color mistakes—and how to avoid them

Hair color is one of the most effective anti-aging tools we have—except when it isn`t. Take your dye job too far (or inky, or frosty) and you can add years to your appearance. Three top colorists weigh in on what to avoid.The hair color you have is the one you`re meant to have: It

5 Perfectly Practical Baby Shower Gifts

They won’t get the oohs and aahs at the baby shower, and they may not be quite as much fun to shop for as cute outfits or cuddly toys. But practical baby gifts are guaranteed to be put to good use long after baby has outgrown that ruffly pinafore or linen sailor suit. Here are five

Uncovering Gluten Facts

It seems like gluten was a health industry buzzword in 2013 that will remain popular in 2014. Not only do many people have the autoimmune disease known as celiac disease, but we’re only now scratching the surface when it comes to understanding non-celiac gluten sensitivity. Even more

Milk: Nature`s Wellness Drink

Did you know that milk is considered "nature`s wellness drink"? The cold, creamy white beverage is full of calcium, vitamin D, phosphorous and a balance of other nutrients that have been proven to build your bones and teeth as well as promote the healthy function of your muscles and blood

love yourself

I recently satisfied my little wanderlusting heart and pre-celebrated my 30th birthday by wandering solo through the Tuscan hills of Italy.I began my Italian trek by looking out over Juliet`s famed balcony in Verona and closed the curtain on my two-and-a-half-week adventure on the Spanish

10 Products You Should Never Put On Your Face

Increasing awareness of lurking dangerous chemicals and ingredients has us checking our food nutrition labels twice, but what about the products that we slather on our face? Are you aware that there could be daily dangers hidden in the ingredients you use in your morning make-up ritual or

How To Plan A Family Picnic

Picnics are a perfect way to make fun memories with the kids (that are totally Facebook worthy). There is something special about sitting on a blanket under the sun while nibbling on a pita sandwich that puts you in a relaxed, vacation mode. Not sure what to pack? Let us help you plan the

5 Days it really sucks to be a single parent

No one ever said being a single parent was easy. I guess I am luckier than most, because in some ways, I was raised for this role. My mom was a single parent who raised three children with little to no help, no money and without a college education. And somehow with her street smarts she

What`s your excuse?

A valuable tool in the arsenal of any compulsive partygoer is - believe it or not - a good and often creative excuse to offer a host to bunk a particular party!With parties dime a dozen nowadays, one really has to be picky about which parties to attend, say some of the city`s partyholics.

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